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Abstracts fra Bibliotek for Læger 2/2019

28. aug. 2019
4 min.


Mentale tilstande hos kvindelige barne-
mordere i 1700-tallet

Af Ralf Hemmingsen & Tine Reeh

Bibl Læger 2019;211:100-133.

This article presents the findings from a psychiatric and church-historical analysis of court records from 21 cases of female child murderers in 18th century Copenhagen. Methodologically, the study uses a psycho-historical approach. The investigation focused on 1) the appearance of mental aspects in the cases, 2) traces of theological or religious elements in the cases and 3) trends or developments in the cases from 1697 to 1758. After an introduction to the medical context of mental disorders, theories on religious explanations and the legal framework, the study presents the 21 cases grouped under the headings “existential death wish” (suicide murders) (n=4), “melancholia” (depression) (n=2), “acute stress disorder” (affect reactions) (n=5), “psychotic states” (n=8), “polymorph psychosis” and “personality disorder” (n=2). Generally speaking, religious elements in the cases were scarce, and developments from 1697 to 1772 proved difficult to locate. Findings point to a focus on social and mental factors rather than religious arguments. This calls for a modification of the theory of religiously coloured so-called “suicide murders” in the 17th and 18th century. The results suggest that court proceedings in the early 18th century were closer to modernity than to the witch hunts and magic-religious thinking of medieval times.



Mens vi venter på revolutionen

Med Kaare Stolt 

Hvad kan vi bruge Karl Marx til i dagens samfund og sundhedssystem? En hel del, mener Kaare Stolt, som er lægestuderende og revolutionær kommunist. 




Perfekte positurer?

Af Magnus Kaslov

Vores kunstredaktør har været en tur på Glyptoteket og set på klassiske skulpturer. Men han savnede en kritisk refleksion.




Er der noget galt med bioteknologisk 

Af Helene Scott-Fordsmand & Katla Heðinsdóttir

Bibl Læger 2019;211:148-157

In November 2018, news of the genetically edited newborns, Nana and Lulu, spread across the world. Scientists and ethicists almost unanimously condemned the experiment which led to their existence, as risk factors of using the CRISPR-technology are largely unknown and the possible scenarios it may bring about are ethically unaccounted for. Considering this event, this article briefly investigates the problem of human enhancement. A common public objection to enhancement technologies is that human beings should not “play God”. However, this statement is often philosophically neglected, perhaps because of its religious connotations. By exploring the existential-hermeneutical thoughts of Martin Heidegger, we provide a philosophical ground for such an argument, and conclude that there are good reasons for a continuous critical debate about emerging biotechnologies.



Sidste tur med blodprøverne

Af Morten A. Skydsgaard

En blodprøvevogn. En pensioneret bioanalytiker. En epoke, der er forbi.




August Krogh og Rockefeller Komplekset

Af Ole Amtorp & Stig Haunsø

Bibl Læger 2019;211:160-177.

In 1975, both medical education and research in Copenhagen were centered at the newly built Panum Institute. From 1928 to 1975, researchers associated with the neighbouring Rockefeller Complex had performed medical frontline research of international significance. This research contributed to the Danish pharmaceutical giant Novo Nordisk and to successful treatments of many thousands of Danish patients with diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disorders and kidney failure. It also enabled various important disease prevention strategies. The history of the Rockefeller Complex and its brilliant researchers is outlined in this article.




Virtual reality holder børnesmerter væk

Af Søren Walther-Larsen

Kan man lege smerterne væk? En anæstesiolog fortæller om sin hverdag mellem sæbebobler og virtuel mågejagt.



Medierne og folkesundheden

Med Kåre Mølbak & Camilla Hiul Suppli

Hvad skete der egentlig, da det danske HPV-vaccinationsprogram var lige ved at forlise? En gruppe forskere har set på samspillet mellem vaccinationsdækning, folkestemning og medieaktivitet.




Af Nicolaj Stochholm

En kræftsygdom har hverken mening eller logik. Lyrikeren Nicolaj Stochholm skriver ømt og fortvivlet fra sin fars sygeseng.      



Spansk behandling

Af Kristine Lindberg Steensberg

Bibliotekets juniorredaktør har sendt et postkort fra et land, hvor man har mindre travlt.