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Abstracts fra Bibliotek for Læger 4/2018

28. aug. 2019
5 min.


Storm P. – Danmarks store vittighedstegner

Af Morten Thing

Bibl Læger 2018;210:292-301

Satire journals existed in Denmark from 1840 to 1926. They combined text with drawings. In France, lithography was used for the drawings, leaving no option to integrate the illustrations and the text, since the text was in relief printing and the illustrations in lithography. In Denmark, xylography was used. The xylographer cut the drawing in wood relief, which could be integrated with the lead text. The satire journals stopped when the newspapers began to publish cartoons and the cartoonists lived better off the dailies than the small weeklies. Robert Storm Petersen had his debut in the world of satire journals in 1902, 20 years old. His drawings seldom implied a political critique, but it could be moral. For instance, when he made drawings of blacks, he was antiracist. He was more a social artist, being on the side of the beggars, outcasts and the whores. He often made drawings that didn’t refer to reality, but was internally graphical, for instance, using the line around the drawing as a rope. He was a skilled user of the Danish language and even wrote books of short stories. He was extremely productive both as a painter, a graphic artist, an author in many satire journals, in newspapers and as a writer and artist for many books.



Storm P., doktoren og det russiske karneval

Af Peter Borberg

Bibl Læger 2018;210:302-9

This article includes an extensive account of the Danish humorist and cartoonist Robert Storm Petersen’s (Storm P.) (1882-1949) work. Many of his drawings and short stories display an inferior figure, who exposes and disqualifies an authority figure – not rarely a physician – through a remark that gives rise to laughter – or through a caricature that stereotypes the authority or power distribution in question. Furthermore, the Russian thinker Mikhail Bakhtin (1895-1975) and his literary theory of “the carnivalesque” is included in this article.



Storm P. og lægerne

Af chefredaktøren

Storm P. er Danmarks store nationalhumorist, men han kunne også være både kras og kritisk. Han havde karrieren igennem et skarpt blik for ulighed og sociale hierarkier og rettede gerne sit satiriske skyts mod autoriteter i hvide kitler. Vi guides gennem Storm P.’s univers af tre eksperter og viser eksempler på hans humoristiske gøglerier såvel som de mere alvorlige sider af hans værk.




Fortidens mad set gennem en latrin

Af Mette-Marie Hald & Morten Fischer Mortensen

Bibl Læger 2018;210:336-49

In this paper, we discuss the results of our analyses of plant remains, animal bones and parasite eggs from a latrine found at Kultorvet Square in central Copenhagen, dated to the 1680s. Our results show that the inhabitants of Kultorvet had access to a variety of cereal-based food, fruit and herbs, fish and meat. Evidence for long-distance trade contacts are found from remains of grapes as well as pollen of citrus and cloves, the latter of which only grew on the Moluccan islands of Indonesia, which was a Dutch trading colony at the time. Parasite eggs of tapeworm, whipworm and roundworm show that the level of hygiene was quite low. The finding of human tapeworm (Taenia solium) not only provides us with indirect evidence of the consumption of pork (also seen from the assemblage of animal bones), but it also indicates that meat was not always thoroughly cooked.



Larsen og sundheden

Af redaktionen

Trubaduren Kim Larsen døde den 30. september af prostatakræft. Vi mindes hans utrættelige kamp mod »sundhedshysteri« og »livsstilsfanatisme«.




Når enden er god

Af chefredaktøren

Analområdets sygdomme er hyppige, og også vores fjerne forfædre led af fissurer, hæmorider og kløe. Vi tager med patologen Claus Fenger på rejse gennem endetarmsåbningens kultur- og medicinhistorie.




Resterne af et talkshow

Af Magnus Kaslov

Bibliotekets kunstredaktør ser nærmere på Hannah Heilmanns foruroligende tv-værk »Allons-y« fra 2018.




Falske formodninger?

Af Nana Cecilie Halmsted Kongsholm

Bibl Læger 2018; 210: 362-71

In Denmark, there is currently a shortage of organs available for transplantation. To accommodate this critical situation, a proposal was recently put forward to change the current system from opt-in (where all Danish citizens wishing to be organ donors need to register their decision) to opt-out (where all Danish citizens would automatically be organ donors from the age of 18, unless they actively opt out of the system). The proposal has, however, been met with substantial criticism. In this article I discuss what I consider to be the primary ethical problems regarding an opt-out system for organ donation – namely that 1) the presumed consent to donation inherent in an opt-out system cannot be made on adequate grounds, 2) the proposal does not pay adequate attention to the difference in moral weight and values attached to, respectively, opting-in and opting-out, 3) the special status of organs as items intimately connected to a person’s lived identity makes them inappropriate for automatic, state-directed decisions and 4) the proposal overlooks and undermines the value of the active choice of being an organ donor as part of the choices persons make regarding how they want to live their life, and ultimately constitute a risks of taking organs from someone who is not willing to donate.



Mit liv som bamselæge

Af Sandra Meinich Juhl

Et kik ind i bamselægens verden, hvor der gives sundhedsoplysning i børnehøjde.



Fra frygt til styrke

Af Marie Brasholt, Karin Meyer & Jens Modvig

Nobels fredspris tilfaldt i år den congolesiske gynækolog Denis Mukwege. Men hvem er han – og hvorfor fortjener han så fornem en hæder? Vi har spurgt DIGNITY – Dansk Institut mod Tortur.


Kroppen er en si

Af chefredaktøren

Man bliver for alvor opmærksom på sin krop, når den bliver angrebet af multiresistente bakterier. Vi taler med forfatteren Julie Top-Nørgaard, som for nylig udgav dagbogen »Kroppen er en si«.