DMJ 7/2020
Onsdag, 1. jul. 2020

- Original ArticleTelephone consultation as a substitute for face-to-face consultation during the COVID-19 pandemic
Tobias O. Wolthers & Ole D. Wolthers
- Original ArticleCharacteristics and outcomes of paediatric patients admitted to a Danish level-1 trauma centre
Ole M. Hansen1, Ronni Mikkelsen1, 2, Jennifer Rosenkjær Eskol1 & Ole Brink1
- Original ArticleEvaluation of telemedicine in patients suspected of acute coronary syndrome at a non-invasive centre
Worud Mahmoud1, Lone Due Vestergaard1, Ida Ransby Schneider2 & Vibeke Brogaard Hansen1
- Original ArticleSex and age differences among tramadol users in three Nordic countries
Astrid Blicher Schelde1, Anne Mette Skov Sørensen1, Morten Hindsø2, Mikkel Bring Christensen1, 3, 4, Espen Jimenez-Solem1, 5, 6 & Robert Eriksson1, 7
- Original ArticleResumption of oncological therapy in patients with advanced cancer undergoing explorative laparotomy for bowel obstruction
Ilze Ose1, Ismail Gögenur2 & Mai-Britt Tolstrup1
- Original ArticleUltrasound-assisted thrombolysis for acute intermediate-high-risk pulmonary embolism
Sebastian M. Krog1, Lia E. Bang1, Lene Holmvang1, Sune B. Räder2, Søren Fanø3, Michael Egstrup4, Christian Hassager1, Dan Eik Høfsten1, Jens Flensted Lassen1, Matias Greve Lindholm1, Thomas Engstrøm1 & Jesper Kjærgaard1
- Systematic ReviewLaparoscopic or open paediatric inguinal hernia repair – a systematic review
Badar Mahmood1, Mette Christoffersen1, Marc Miserez2 & Thue Bisgaard1
- Original ArticleValidating the 7-item Eustachian Tube Dysfunction Questionnaire in Danish
Lars Juul Hansen1, Henrik Glad2, Andreas Jørkov2, Kira Lundin1 & Malene Kirchmann1