Submit - Instruction for authors
Updated 28 February 2025
The Danish Medical Journal (DMJ) is a general medical journal published by The Danish Medical Association. DMJ is published monthly 12 times a year. The manuscripts are published on a on-going basis for the upcoming publication.
All scientific articles are published under the Open Access Creative Commons license: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. (Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).
The current Journal Impact Factor is 1.6.
Papers should be submitted through the electronic manuscript system at ScholarOne Manuscript Central
All submitted manuscripts will be screened by the Editor-in-Chief before offering editorial process. All accepted manuscripts have been peer reviewed.
Article Types
Guidelines for submission
Publication and ethics
- ANONYMOUS MANUSCRIPT: Author information and acknowledgments must appear in the respective title page and declaration of authorship, as the manuscript must be anonymous for the sake of double-blind peer review.
- TITLE PAGE: Manuscript title, names and affiliations of all authors in correct author order and information about the corresponding author.
- TITLE: up to 100 units including spaces - one sentence without special characters.
- MANUSCRIPT TEXT: Maximum 14,000 units including spaces but without references, figures and tables.
- REFERENCE LIST: Maximum 20 references.
- ABSTRACT: The abstract should maximum contain 1,600 units including spaces.
- The abstract should be structured and include the six sections: Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusion, Funding and Trial registration.
- FIGURE AND TABELS: An original article can contain up to four figures and tables.
- Illustrations, figures, tables and photos must be uploaded in original/editable formats.
- AUTHORSHIP DECLARATION: signed by all authors.
- ICMJE DISCLOSURES: completed by all authors and saved as PDF before upload
- COVER LETTER: is not a requirement
All manuscripts submitted to ICMJE journals (incl. Danish Medical Journal) that report the results of clinical trials must contain a data sharing statement.
Clinical trials that begin enrolling participants on or after 1 January 2019 must include a data sharing plan in the trial's registration.
Original articles reporting a randomized controlled trial should follow the CONSORT guideline
Please find more information under the section "Guidelines for submission"
A brief research report is typically the reporting of preliminary data, short reports of original research, case series or studies and presentation that may be limited in their scope.
- ANONYMOUS MANUSCRIPT: Author information and acknowledgments must appear in the respective title page and declaration of authorship, as the manuscript must be anonymous for the sake of double-blind peer review.
- TITLE PAGE: Manuscript title, names and affiliations of all authors in correct author order and information about the corresponding author.
- TITLE: up to 100 units including spaces - one sentence without special characters.
- MANUSCRIPT TEXT: 7,500 units including spaces excluding references, figures and tables.
- REFERENCE LIST: Maximum 20 references.
- ABSTRACT: The abstract should maximum contain 1,600 units including spaces.
- The abstract should be structured and include the six sections: Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusion, Funding and Trial registration.
- FIGURE AND TABELS: A brief research report can contain up to two figures or tables.
- Illustrations, figures, tables and photos must be uploaded in original/editable formats.
- AUTHORSHIP DECLARATION: signed by all authors.
- ICMJE DISCLOSURES: completed by all authors and saved as PDF before upload
- COVER LETTER: is not a requirement
Clinical trials that begin enrolling participants on or after 1 January 2019 must include a data sharing plan in the trial's registration.
Research reports reporting a randomized controlled trial should follow the CONSORT guideline.
Please find more information under the section "Guidelines for submission"
A protocol article has introduction, methods, and discussion sections, but focus is especially on the methods section and the plan for statistical analyses. We will consider protocol articles describing large, randomized clinical trials and large epidemiological studies.
- ANONYMOUS MANUSCRIPT: Author information and acknowledgments must appear in the respective title page and declaration of authorship, as the manuscript must be anonymous for the sake of double-blind peer review.
- TITLE PAGE: Manuscript title, names and affiliations of all authors in correct author order and information about the corresponding author.
- TITLE: up to 100 units including spaces - one sentence without special characters.
- MANUSCRIPT TEXT: maximum 14,000 units including spaces but without references, figures and tables.
- REFERENCE LIST: Maximum 20 references.
- ABSTRACT: The abstract should maximum contain 1,600 units including spaces.
- The abstract should be structured and include the five sections: Introduction, Methods, Conclusion, Funding and Trial registration.
- FIGURE AND TABELS: a protocol article can contain up to four figures and tables.
- Illustrations, figures, tables and photos must be uploaded in original/editable formats.
- AUTHORSHIP DECLARATION: signed by all authors.
- ICMJE DISCLOSURES: completed by all authors and saved as PDF before upload
- COVER LETTER: is not a requirement
All manuscripts submitted to ICMJE journals (incl. Danish Medical Journal) that report the results of clinical trials must contain a data sharing statement.
Clinical trials that begin enrolling participants on or after 1 January 2019 must include a data sharing plan in the trial's registration.
Please find more information under the section "Guidelines for submission"
- ANONYMOUS MANUSCRIPT: Author information and acknowledgments must appear in the respective title page and declaration of authorship, as the manuscript must be anonymous for the sake of double-blind peer review.
- TITLE PAGE: Manuscript title, names and affiliations of all authors in correct author order and information about the corresponding author.
- TITLE: up to 100 units including spaces - one sentence without special characters.
- MANUSCRIPT TEXT: maximum 20,000 units including spaces but without references, figures and tables.
- REFERENCE LIST: Maximum 80 references, but we appreciate low numbers.
- ABSTRACT: The abstract should maximum contain 1,600 units including spaces.
- The abstract should be structured and include the foyr sections: Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusion.
- KEY POINTS: The article should include a textbox with 3-4 key messages from the paper written in short sentences as a bullet list. Maximum 3-400 units in total.
- FIGURE AND TABELS: the manuscript can contain up to four figures or tables.
- Illustrations, figures, tables and photos must be uploaded in original/editable formats.
- AUTHORSHIP DECLARATION: signed by all authors.
- ICMJE DISCLOSURES: completed by all authors and saved as PDF before upload
- COVER LETTER: is not a requirement
The words “systematic review” or “meta-analysis” should be added to the title in order to get proper indexing in PubMed.
Systematic reviews and meta-analyses should be reported according to the PRISMA guidelines.
Please find more information under the section "Guidelines for submission"
Narrative review articles must focus on an evolving topic of general interest for clinicians in the Nordic countries.
Manuscript Requirements
- Anonymous submission: The manuscript must be prepared for double-blind peer review. Author details and acknowledgments should only appear in the title page and authorship declaration, not in the main document.
- Title Page: Should include the manuscript title, names and affiliations of all authors (in correct order), and contact details for the corresponding author.
- Title: Maximum 100 characters, including spaces. The title must be a single sentence without special characters.
- Manuscript text: Maximum 14,000 characters, including spaces (excluding references, figures, and tables).
- Reference list: Maximum 50 references. We encourage concise reference lists - incl. DOI numbers.
- Abstract: Maximum 600 characters, including spaces. The abstract should be unstructured.
- Key Points: Include a textbox summarizing 3–4 key messages from the article in bullet-point format. Maximum 300–400 characters in total.
- Figures and tables: Each review article may include up to two figures or tables. All illustrations, figures, tables, and photos must be uploaded in their original/editable formats.
Additional Submission Requirements
- Authorship Declaration: Must be signed by all authors.
- ICMJE Disclosures: Each author must complete and upload the ICMJE disclosure form as a PDF.
- Cover Letter: Not required.
- The phrase “a review article” should be included in the title to ensure proper indexing in PubMed.
- For further details, please refer to our section on "Guidelines for Submission."
Letters are comments on material published in Danish Medical Journal, or other topics of interest to the readers of the Danish Medical Journal (DMJ). Your post should be clear and compelling. It should appeal to both the Danish and the international readership of doctors and other health professionals. Letters should address topics within the areas medicine, healthcare, publishing, or an issue which will interest doctors. The content should be relevant and current.
Letters are submitted by e-mail to att: Letters
- Comments may be related to recently published articles or letters in the DMJ.
- All submitted Letters will be peer reviewed by the editorial board of the DMJ. The Letter can be returned for revision if the editorial board has any comments. The DMJ reserves the right to reject submissions.
- All accepted Letters are edited, and proofs will be sent to authors before publication.
- Letters will be indexed in PubMed.
- Letters are published online and in full open access on (
Limits for Letters:
- 500 words or 3,750 units including spaces.
- One table or figure.
- The number of references should not exceed 5.
- The number of authors should not exceed 5.
- Please include a title page giving the names, addresses and affiliations of all the authors as well as the e-mail address and phone number of the corresponding author.
- ICMJE Disclosures should be provided for all authors.
- Authorship Declaration should be provided signed by all authors.
Please find more information under the section "Guidelines for submission"
Download forms:
Authorship Declaration Danish Medical Journal : must be signed by all authors.
ICMJE coi_disclosure - UFL-DMJ (word-file) : please save as PDF before submitting it to Danish Medical Journal.
Link to guidelines:
CONSORT guidelines:
PRISMA guidelines:
ICMJE Recommendations about Data Sharing Statement:
Ugeskrift for Læger is a general medical journal that publishes science in Danish from all areas of research into disease and health.
Ugeskrift for Læger publishes review articles (statusartikler) and case reports in Danish.
For further details you can go to the Danish instruction for authors: Manuskriptvejledning for Ugeskrift for Læger