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Abstracts fra Bibliotek for Læger 4/2014

14. sep. 2018
3 min.

Originalartikel: Prognostikon

En oversættelse og perspektivering af Hippokrates’ tekst
Anders Frøland



Bibl Læger 2014;206:304-335


This central Hippocratic writing does not appear to have been translated and published in Danish previously. It is universally accepted that it is one of the rather few treatises from Hippocrates’ own hand. It dates from the last half of the fifth century BC, but not later than 410. It is a purely clinical text. A vast number of symptoms and conditions in acute fevers are listed very systematically and related to the clinical outcome, death or survival. The Hippocratic author stresses that prognosis depends on the total clinical picture as other symptoms than the cardinal one may modify the progress of the disease. The most famous clinical picture described in the text is that of the Facies Hippocratica.


Et billede fra min hverdag
Morten Staberg

Originalartikel: Nürnbergkoden og det informerede samtykkes svære fødsel
Ronan M.G. Berg & Peter J. Hancke Rossel


Nuremberg Code and the difficult birth of informed consent

Bibl Læger 2014;206:338-361


The Nuremberg Code constitutes one of the first written guidelines on ethical conduct during human experimentation. It was formulated as a result of the so-called Doctor’s trial after World War II, where German medical doctors and scientist were accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity in the form of Nazi human experimentation. A unique feature of the Nuremberg Code is that the informed consent of the research subject is an absolute requirement. We assert that this is the result of the ethical discussions before and during the Doctor’s trial, which focused on the need for human experimentation as a beneficent method, while introducing the concept of individual, universal rights in medical ethics, through the agendas of the different main entrants during the trial. The Nuremberg Code had limited influence during the following decades, in part because the distinction between clinical practice and research practice was unclear, both to the entrants during the trial and to the medical community as a whole. Nevertheless, through the absolute requirement of the research subject’s informed consent, the Nuremberg Code may be considered a ratification of Kant’s categorical imperative.


Kvartalets genstand
Morten A. Skydsgaard

Originalartikel: Ferrosan: en dansk medicinfabrik
Hans-Otto Loldrup


Forrosan: a Danish pharmaceutical company

Bibl Læger 2014;206:364-400


The first Danish pharmaceutical companies were founded in the mid-1800s, mostly producing and selling raw materials for pharmacies. In the 1890s companies began to produce drugs. Iron preparations were widely used, but they had drawbacks in the form of constipation, iron taste and low iron content. The pharmacist S. S. Marcussen, Bispebjerg Hospital Pharmacy, had for many years worked to improve this type of drugs. In 1920 the company Ferrosan was founded with the sole aim to produce Marcussen‘s iron preparation Idozan. It was a success because Idozan was better than the existing iron preparations. A few years later, Ferrosan started to manufacture and sell a promising preparation Sanocrysin against tuberculosis. It contained 37% gold and gave the company‘s management hopes of magnificent revenues. They decorated a costly plant for the project, and the press wrote that this agent could close all tuberculosis sanatoriums. The exaggerated expectations were not met, and Ferrosan suffered several years of economic crisis. A range of generic drugs brought the company back on track, and from the beginning of the 1930s Ferrosan was a well-functioning company that developed their own drugs, including vitamins. The oil crisis in the 1970s brought Ferrosan in trouble. After restructuring and change of ownership the company only produced vitamins and food supplements. In 2011, the remainder was sold to Pfizer Inc., which wanted to move the company‘s activities abroad. Therefore, the drug company Ferrosan exists no longer.