In Denmark more than 6,000 patients undergo appendicitis
surgery annually, and one third of these patients
have perforated appendicitis [1]. The treatment for perforated
appendicitis is usually intravenous (IV) antibiotic
therapy for a minimum of three days after surgery, i.e.
the patient will remain hospitalized for a minimum of
three days after surgery. Early conversion to oral (PO)
treatment has been attempted for various intra-abdominal
infections [2-7]. These studies have consistently
shown that early conversion from intravenous to PO
antibiotic therapy was at least as good as an IV antibiotic
therapy alone [2-7]. A common characteristic in these
studies has been an overall good effect of IV/PO antibiotic
therapy in all intra-abdominal infections, including
acute appendicitis. However, none of these studies provided
details for each intra-abdominal infection, but only
common, pooled data for all intra-abdominal infections.
An assessment of the effect of early conversion to PO
antibiotics for perforated appendicitis is therefore not
possible on the basis of these studies.
The purpose of this article was to provide an overview
of studies on perforated appendicitis that specifically
examined the differences between PO antibiotic
therapies and IV antibiotic therapy after surgery.
A search was made on Medline, Embase and The Cochrane
Library. The following keywords were used individually
and in combination: acute/perforated appendicitis,
antibiotic, oral. The following MeSH-terms were used:
appendicitis, perforated, and antibiotic – both individ -
ually and in combination. All human studies published
in English on the treatment of perforated appendicitis
with PO antibiotics after surgery were included. In addition,
the reference lists of the individual articles were reviewed
manually to identify additional studies. The publication
date of the included studies ranged from 1966
to 15 September 2009.
The database search yielded five studies specifically addressing
the treatment of acute perforated appendicitis
with PO antibiotics [8-12]. In one study (PO-study), patients
received only PO antibiotics [8]. In the remaining
four studies (IV/PO studies), patients with perforated
appendicitis received IV antibiotics followed by PO antibiotics,
see Table 1 [9-12]. Four additional studies were
found on the treatment of intra-abdominal infections
generally with PO antibiotics. In these studies, however,
all types of intra-abdominal infections were included
without specific details about the underlying disease.
These four studies were therefore not included in this
review. Study details for the included studies are given
in Table 1. Two of the studies were randomized [8, 10],
two were prospective [11, 12] and one was retrospective
[9]. The study periods were two to three years for
four of the studies [8-11], and the study period was not
specified in the fourth study [12].
Banani et al [8] included 114 patients (PO group) receiving
exclusively PO metronidazole 500 mg every eight
hours both pre- and postoperatively. The control group
(IV group) included 120 patients who preoperatively received
IV ceftizoxime four times per day (750-1,000 mg/
dose for adults and 20-25 mg/kg/dose for children under
the age of 15 years) if there was no pus in the abdomen,
or postoperative triple-drug therapy consisting of IV
penicillin (100,000 units/kg/day), chloramphenicol (50-
80 mg/kg/day) and gentamicin (5-6 mg/kg/day) if there
was visible pus during surgery. In both groups, the duration
of antibiotic therapy was 3-6 days, depending on
the classification of the acute perforated appendicitis.
The exclusion criteria comprised: patients with generalized
peritonitis, immunosuppressive patients, allergy
to antibiotics, children < 4 years and adults > 50 years,
pregnancy and patients who received antibiotics before
they were admitted to the hospital.
The complication rates were 19% in the PO group and 18% in the IV group. Intra-abdominal abscesses
occurred in four (4%) patients in the PO group and five
(4%) in the IV group. The treatment was re-laparotomy
in three patients from the PO group and four from the IV
group. The remaining patients recovered with PO metronidazole
for two weeks or IV gentamicin for 6-7 days.
The four IV/PO studies were heterogeneous, but patients
with acute perforated appendicitis underwent
appendectomy in all of the studies, and initially they
received intravenous antibiotics, typically for 4-5 days.
Subsequently, patients were divided into one of two
groups receiving PO antibiotics/continued IV antibiotics,
placebo or no antibiotics (see Table 1). On average, the
initial IV administration lasted 4-5 days, while the average
period of subsequent PO treatment was 5-7 days.
In the study by Adibe et al, patients received IV
ampicillin-sulbactam alone or in combination with
gentamicin, and PO antibiotics consisted of trimethoprim-
sulphamethoxazole and metronidazole [9].
Rice et al gave PO amoxicillin-clavulanate potassium
(40 mg/kg/day) and IV treatment consisted of ampicillin
(400 mg/kg/day), gentamicin (7.5 mg/kg/day) and clindamycin
(40 mg/kg/day) [10]. In the study by Taylor et
al, patients received IV amoxicillin/sulbactam and the
PO antibiotics consisted of amoxicillin/clavulanate for
patients over 18 years and levofloxacin for patients
under 18 years [11]. Gollin et al gave IV ampicillin
(200 mg/kg/day), gentamicin (7.5 mg/kg/day) and
metronidazole (30 mg/kg/day), while the PO antibiotic
regimen consisted of trimethoprim/sulphamethoxazole
(10 mg/kg/day) and metronidazole (30 mg/kg/day) [12].
The criteria for conversion to PO therapy varied
between the four studies, although a common criterion
was that enteral feeding should be tolerated for PO
therapy to be initiated. In two of the studies, conversion
from IV to PO antibiotics was made regardless of fever
or leucocytosis [10, 12]. In two other studies, PO antibiotics
were initiated when there was a resolution in
abdominal pain, tenderness, distension, fever [9, 11]
and a decrease in the white blood cell count [11].
Exclusion criteria also varied between studies and
were, e.g. presence of gangrenous appendicitis, intraoperative
bowel perforation, laparoscopic surgery, other
infections, allergy to antibiotics, immunosuppression,
renal failure, neutropenia, pregnancy, development of
intra-abdominal abscess or wound infection before conversion
to PO antibiotics. The total number of patients
who had received antibiotic therapy with initial IV administration
and subsequent conversion to PO administration
was 152, and the typical age group in the studies
was been between one and 22 years [9-12].
Complications during PO treatment were found in
all four studies, and the complication rate was 0-30% in
the control groups and 4-26% in the intervention groups.
None of these studies saw a significant difference in
complication rate between the groups. Eight patients
developed wound infections: four were treated with incision,
drainage and oral antibiotics during hospitalization
[11], three were given with antibiotics as outpatients
[12], and the treatment afforded the last patient
was not stated [10]. Postoperative intra-abdominal abscesses
were observed in four patients, one patient was
treated with percutaneous drainage and IV antibiotics
[11], while three other patients received only IV antibiotics
Complications in the control groups were found
in 22 (14%) patients: six with abscesses, three with
wound infections, two with Clostridium difficile colitis,
one had a phlegmonous infection, two had problems
with peripherally inserted central catheters, one was dehydrated,
two had small bowel obstructions, one patient
experienced a toxic reaction due to the antibiotics, and
three had persistent fever for more than three days.
Conversion of the scheduled PO antibiotic therapy
to IV treatment occurred in two of the four studies
[10, 11]. In total, three patients (2%) had their treatments
converted. The reason was that one patient developed a wound infection [10], and two patients
developed intra-abdominal abscesses [11].
The differences in cost associated with the use of PO antibiotics
compared with IV antibiotics were also studied.
In two of the IV/PO studies, a difference in cost associated
with the two antibiotic therapies was found [9, 10].
Rice et al found that conversion to PO treatment resulted
in savings of $1,500 per patient, while the corresponding
savings were $4,000 per patient in the study
by Adibe et al. The PO study found a 30% reduction in
cost when only PO antibiotics were used [8]. Calculations
were based on the price of antibiotics, the construction
of intravenous access, nursing care expenses
and hospital stay.
The available literature is sparse and the applied regimens
cannot be readily transferred to a Danish context.
Thus, in some studies patients received IV therapy for
4-5 days before they received PO treatment, whereas
our usual routine for perforated appendicitis is IV antibiotics
for three days after surgery. The objective of the
current literature review was, on the basis of the current
evidence to assess whether a switch to PO therapy alone
after surgery may be made, and as a result whether the
patient could be discharged sooner after the operation
than is currently the case. However, the current evidence
does not support a conclusion of this nature.
The usual treatment for patients with acute perforated
appendicitis is appendectomy combined with
antibiotic therapy. Such treatment is supported by
numerous controlled trials and a Cochrane review [13].
Patients with acute appendicitis undergoing surgery
and antibiotic therapy have fewer wound infections
and intra-abdominal abscesses than patients receiving
placebo [13]. In recent years, it has been debated
whether the optimal method of administration of antibiotics
in these patients is by the IV route. The usual
method in Denmark is IV administration of antibiotics
(a single, two or three drugs, depending on local policy)
given as a single dose during surgery, and if there has
been visible pus or faeces in the abdomen, the antibiotic
therapy continues for three days, also IV therapy.
In the randomized study by Banani et al, in which
the use of PO antibiotics was compared with IV antibiotics,
no significant differences were found in the two
groups’ outcomes in terms of infectious complications
[8]. This study is encouraging, but unfortunately did
not use a regimen comparable to our usual routine.
A change of the IV antibiotic therapy for PO therapy
alone would be a big step towards minimizing the use of
medication and the need for hospitalization after surgery.
Rescheduling IV to PO therapy is therefore an important
step in development of optimized patient treatment
in this patient group. However, to our knowledge
no studies specifically address this issue, and we therefore
need to examine the current Danish regimen with
three days of IV treatment against a group that receives
an intra operative IV single-dose intravenous therapy
followed by PO treatment alone.
Other studies have examined different antibiotic
treatment regimens, consisting of an initial IV antibiotic
administered over a period of several days with subsequent
conversion to PO administration [9-12]. The results
from these trials were that patients with a combined
regimen had fewer complications and shorter
hospitalization periods than patients in the group receiving
only IV therapy, while the economic costs were lower
in the combined regimen groups. The investigated
regimens are, however, far from usual clinical practice,
where the maximum treatment duration is typically
three days for complicated cases. Furthermore, the designs
of the four trials were not similar and the inclusion
and exclusion criteria used were not standardized.
The prolonged treatment with IV antibiotics used in
the IV/PO studies was probably based on recommendations
from past publications, that patients with acute
perforated appendicitis should receive a minimum of
ten days of IV antibiotics [14-16]. Other studies have
recommended at least 5-7 days of IV antibiotics until
there is no fever or leucocytosis for 24 hours [17]. In a
recent study of 272 patients with perforated appendicitis,
it was shown that halving the period during which
patients received intravenously administered antibiotics
was not associated with an increase in the complication
rate [18]. Considering that the vast majority of hospitals
in Denmark treat these patients with three days of IV
antibiotics, the basis for comparison with the available
scientific literature is not optimal. Denmark has a good
tradition of general caution with the use of antibiotics
with a view to reducing the risk of resistance and unnecessary
side effects.
There is presently not sufficient evidence to support
shifting the currently preferred three days of IV antibiotic
treatment for perforated appendicitis in Denmark
to a PO regimen immediately after surgery. Controlled
randomized studies should be performed comparing the
current regimen for perforated appendicitis (IV antibiotics
starting during operation and continuing for three
days) with a regimen consisting of IV antibiotics during
surgery and a PO regimen in the convalescence period.
CORRESPONDENCE: Mahdi Alamili, Gastroenheden, Herlev Hospital, 2730
Herlev, Denmark. E-mail:
ACCEPTED: 16 June 2010
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