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Dansk Medical Bulletin

27. nov. 2009
1 min.

Det nye nummer af Danish Medical Bulletin er nu tilgængeligt på nettet:

Vi modtager gerne manuskripter fra danske forfattere, både originalartikler og oversigtsartikler.


ICMJE is seeking two new member journals: extended deadline for applications.

Original article

Rapid culture of Mycobacterium tuberculosis on blood agar in resource limited setting: Murli Mathur, Jyoti Gaur, Ruchika Sharma et al.

Abstracts of dissertations

  1. Are nicotinic acetylcholine receptors a relevant target for novel antidepressants?: Jesper Thobias Andreasen .

  2. Zinc transporters in the pathophysiology of diabetes: Kamille Smidt Rasmussen .

  3. Genetic studies using dried blood spot samples with particular focus on cytokine SNPs and preterm birth: Mads Bilhelm Hollegaard.

  4. Diurnal urine regulation in healthy boys and girls - the effect of puberty and sleep: Birgitte Thorsted Mahler .

  5. Development of a novel biomaterial - a nanotechnological approach: Thomas Hartvig Lindkær Jensen .

  6. Turner syndrome in childhood and adolescence - a multifaceted state of health. The internal genitalia, bone mineralization and aortic dilatation: Line Hartvig Cleemann .