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Abstracts fra Bibliotek for Læger 1/2019

28. aug. 2019
4 min.


Øjnene, der ser

Af Anne-Marie Worm

Bibl Læger 2019;211:4-33

My first impression of medical wax figures (moulages) at a little museum in Athens, Greece, started a personal journey through Europe in search of anatomical and dermatological wax figures. The feelings that these moulages provoke differ from lay people to health-professionals, thus necessitating a discussion about how to store and exhibit such figures. Museums in Middle and Southern Europa have collections which are open to the public, whereas figures stored in the Nordic countries can be visited only with a special permit. The figures often have characteristics attributed to local traditions and to the artist’s level of experience and skills. Most dermatologic figures have been digitalised. However, the original aim of observing these figures as three-dimensional objects for education is thereby lost.


En lille dør ind til patienten

Med Thomas Schnalke

Verden bugner af billeder, og siden oplysningstiden har medicinen været storleverandør af visuelle gengivelser af kroppen. Vi har talt med en førende ekspert i »det medicinske blik«.


Pelsjægerens hul i maven

Af Morten A. Skydsgaard

En skudulykke, der blev til gavn for videnskaben. Vores genstandsredaktør fortæller om en af medicinhistoriens mest opsigtsvækkende forsøgspersoner. 


Altruistisk surrogatmoderskab

Af Thomas Søbirk Petersen 
og Janne Rothmar Herrmann

Bibl Læger 2019;2011:44-54.

In this article, we argue that there is no morally good reason to justify that Danish law criminalises assisted reproduction in altruistic surrogacy arrangements (section 13 of the Act on Assisted Reproduction), which is not otherwise part of a criminal offence. To achieve a consistent legislation, the lawmakers must either criminalise altruistic surrogacy in all situations or in no situations at all. Furthermore, we argue that altruistic surrogacy by means of assisted reproduction should be legalised, entailing the repeal of section 13.


Figurer i landskab

Af Magnus Kaslov

Den islandske kunstner Ragnar Kjartansson har skabt et unikt videoværk til det nye Mærsk Tårn. Bibliotek for Lægers kunstredaktør ser nærmere på »Figures in landscape«.


Fra hospital til universitet

Med Karsten Ifversen & Birgit Lyngbye Pedersen  

Kommunehospitalet i København stod klart i maj 1863 som en drøm om rationalitet og videnskabelige fremskridt. I dag er det en levende universitetscampus.


Mellem krig og kontorlandskaber

Af Troels Boldt Rømer

Hvordan ser hverdagen ud for en ung medicinstuderende, der tillige er landsformand for Ungdommens Røde Kors?


Litteraturen rykker ud

Af Anne-Marie Mai & Iben Engelhardt Andersen

Bibl Læger 2019;211:80-91

The article describes a citizen science project, which we carried out in the autumn of 2018 in collaboration between University of Southern Denmark, Odense University Hospital, and the broadcasting network TV2 Fyn. In the course of three public meetings we initiated a dialogue between researchers, citizens and medical practitioners concerning the use of literature in relation to questions about illness and treatment. Our research in the field of narrative medicine gains important perspectives from studying citizens’ use of literature in difficult situations involving illness. The article describes the workshops, which took place at the public meetings, and it connects the findings from these meetings to overall questions about how healthcare professionals can attain a better understanding of patients by reading and discussing literature. Having proved that the literary workshops have provided a space for new insights into the everyday use of health- and disease-relevant literature, the article concludingly outlines how a substantial research project could emerge from the citizen science project.


»Der er gået kuk i dit system, Karen«

Af Karen Fastrup

Forfatteren Karen Fastrup udgav for nylig den autofiktive roman »Hungerhjerte« om op- og nedture med en psykisk sygdom. Vi har bedt hende kommentere fem citater fra bogen.