Lægeløftet under pres
Af Klaus Larsen
The Hippocratic Oath under pressure
Bibl Læger 2019;211:292-307.
A disproportionate number of Danish physicians took part in the resistance movement during the German occupation of Danmark 1940-45. Some were killed, others were arrested and sent to concentration camps in Germany. In the camps, they were allowed to work as medical professionals among their fellow inmates. They did their best despite the extremely difficult circumstances, non-existent facilities, lack of medicine and instruments and an abundance of patients who were suffering from extreme under-nourishment, exhaustion and multiple morbidity. This article describes some of the ethical dilemmas that these doctors faced.
Interessekonflikter: Klaus Larsen.
(link: https://ugeskriftet.dk/files/klaus_larsen.pdf)
En oase i tilværelsen
Med Johannes Hedal Hansen
En samtale om Panum Instituttet og dets arkitektoniske forældre: Eva og Nils Koppel.
En nobelpristagers karakterbøger
Af Morten A. Skydsgaard
Skal man have topkarakterer i skolen for at få Nobelprisen i kemi? Ikke hvis man hedder Jens Chr. Skou.
Af Henrik Horwitz, Anne Mette Skov Sørensen, Astrid Blicher Schelde, Benedikte Irene von Osmanski, Cæcilie Bachdal Johansen, Ditte Resendal Gotfredsen, Thea Christoffersen & Espen Jimenez-Solem:
Medical scandals. Selected side-effect cases from the past 100 years
Bibl Læger 2019;211:332-349.
Eight percent of all acute medical admissions are due to adverse drug reactions, and three percent of all approved new medical entities are later withdrawn from the market due to safety issues. Adverse drug reactions are of public health concern and in this paper, we review ten selected adverse drug reaction disasters each causing significant stir and having a huge impact on drug development and legislation. We highlight the importance of doctors reporting suspected adverse drugs effects to the authorities, and we urge health care providers to uphold a proactive approach to pharmacovigilance.
Forfatternes interessekonflikter
(link: https://ugeskriftet.dk/files/medicinslandaler_samlet3475.pdf)
Medicinskandaler foregår kontinuerligt, og ukritiske læger bærer en del af skylden
Af Mats Lindberg
Er spektakulære bivirkningsskandaler kun toppen af et isbjerg? Afspejler de et mere strukturelt problem med vores brug af lægemidler? Og hvem har i så fald ansvaret?
Lev dine helte!
Af Christopher Blom Salomonsen
Find din indre superhelt, og pas godt på legebarnet i dig selv.
Af Daniel Henschen
Nerve health. Self-development advice from 1908
Bibl Læger 2019;211:362-379.
This article introduces doctor Frode Sadolin (1866-1951), who became a leading figure in the Danish lifestyle reform movement around 1900. In his widely popular and bestselling book ‘Nerve-Helse’ (‘Nerve health’) from 1908, he presented a radical critique of Western modernity and offered a helping hand to its bodily, mental and social victims. His antidot consisted of a range of simple living remedies – from fresh air to tranquility of mind. It that sense, the article argues, Sadolin’s project is still surprisingly relevant in the hectic times of post modern living.
Interessekonfliker: Daniel Henschen
(link: https://ugeskriftet.dk/files/daniel_henschen.pdf)
»Joker« set med psykiatriske briller
Af Anne Lindhardt
Filmen »Joker« leverer et skarpt blik på en menneskeskæbne i et sygt samfund. Vi har sendt en garvet psykiater i biografen.